Sutekorp, Inc Headline Animator

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Brand & Company News

Hello dear fans!!!

This post contains some Suteki Ji brand news (and company news).
We just wanted to share some new happenings ♥ Please read through the 4 updates! =)

1. Zazzle Shop:
We would like to mention that we have a Zazzle Shop (if we hadn't already mentioned that...).
All of our designs are being slowely posted on there in the various products that can be purchased on Zazzle. Some examples are:


As you can see, we have options of various types/forms of apparel and other items such as stamps, envelops, necklaces, etc. We invite you to browse our shop to see it all for yourself ♥

2. LearnoMill Institution
If we haven't said it enough before, now is our better post and introduction of a project that we launched recently: the LearnoMill Institution. The school that the founder of Sutekorp, Inc. went to (in the comic books) is now available for access to all fans! Even if you are not a Suteki Ji fan, you are sure to enjoy this school.

There is an enrollment process and quests and tasks you can go on to get the degree of your dreams, just like in real schools but this is not like any other school....
The degrees/areas of studies are unique as they fit the demands of the students, degrees that students want to really explore but are not offered else where like: Originality, Creativity, Naps, etc. LearnoMill invites you to enroll to explore your full potential in an area(s) that you dream of.

Please note that the project is new and currently we are looking for helpers to get the school in full gear! There are going to be badges (with html codes) available for everyone to use once they have picked a degree that they want to pursue. Quests and tasks are going to be put up once we have enough students enrolled and enough details worked well as...surprise!!!! awesome clubs and organizations!!!! Clubs that are not offered elsewhere but would be cool to be a part of are going to be available here! So check out our LearnoMill website to see what we have set up for you lovely fans ♥

3. Blog Look (Our Blogspot look)

 As you can see, our blog has gone through some makeover. The colors have been changed and the layout switched so that all of the information is divided on the sides so that you do not miss any information that we want to share with you. If you are not sure if we are worth checking out on Twitter than not to worry, we have put a Twitter feed on the right for you to get a sample of the tweets we create. Also included on the top right is a RebelMouse tab that lets you browse through our social postings and shares on other networks! We invite you to look around our blog to see all of the other new things that have been added...have fun browsing! =)

4. DeviantArt update

We are sure many of you noticed the tweets we made about having a deviantArt account and group. As a reminder, we are uploading our character designs on deviantArt for those who are fans of the dA store. All of the designs are available in prints on various medias (mugs, canvas, etc) and not to mention a Suteki Ji group that is going to hold contests and giveaways!

A Sub category:
A reminder that we are eager to do giveaways on various networks!
DeviantArt: For 50 members that our group gets we are going to do a random giveaway of 3 winners who are going to get dA points awarded to them
YouTube: For 50 subscriptions to our channel, we are going to do a USA giveaway to YouTube users and an international giveaway for 100 subscriptions
Facebook: We are going to do a local giveaway to all USA residents after we get 50 likes on our brand page and an international giveaway after 100 likes
Twitter: for the spirit of free goodies, we decided to add Twitter to our giveaway list. After getting 50 followers we are going to do a local giveaway for USA residents and an international giveaway for 100 followers

**We also do raffle drawings (random giveaways) and give away free goodies to all attendees for visiting us at events we host or participate in.
And with that giveaway announcement we are going to end this post!
Thank you for reading and don't forget to visit our Events page or to read the events post ~♥~

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