Sutekorp, Inc Headline Animator

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Brand & Company News

Hello dear fans!!!

This post contains some Suteki Ji brand news (and company news).
We just wanted to share some new happenings ♥ Please read through the 4 updates! =)

1. Zazzle Shop:
We would like to mention that we have a Zazzle Shop (if we hadn't already mentioned that...).
All of our designs are being slowely posted on there in the various products that can be purchased on Zazzle. Some examples are:


As you can see, we have options of various types/forms of apparel and other items such as stamps, envelops, necklaces, etc. We invite you to browse our shop to see it all for yourself ♥

2. LearnoMill Institution
If we haven't said it enough before, now is our better post and introduction of a project that we launched recently: the LearnoMill Institution. The school that the founder of Sutekorp, Inc. went to (in the comic books) is now available for access to all fans! Even if you are not a Suteki Ji fan, you are sure to enjoy this school.

There is an enrollment process and quests and tasks you can go on to get the degree of your dreams, just like in real schools but this is not like any other school....
The degrees/areas of studies are unique as they fit the demands of the students, degrees that students want to really explore but are not offered else where like: Originality, Creativity, Naps, etc. LearnoMill invites you to enroll to explore your full potential in an area(s) that you dream of.

Please note that the project is new and currently we are looking for helpers to get the school in full gear! There are going to be badges (with html codes) available for everyone to use once they have picked a degree that they want to pursue. Quests and tasks are going to be put up once we have enough students enrolled and enough details worked well as...surprise!!!! awesome clubs and organizations!!!! Clubs that are not offered elsewhere but would be cool to be a part of are going to be available here! So check out our LearnoMill website to see what we have set up for you lovely fans ♥

3. Blog Look (Our Blogspot look)

 As you can see, our blog has gone through some makeover. The colors have been changed and the layout switched so that all of the information is divided on the sides so that you do not miss any information that we want to share with you. If you are not sure if we are worth checking out on Twitter than not to worry, we have put a Twitter feed on the right for you to get a sample of the tweets we create. Also included on the top right is a RebelMouse tab that lets you browse through our social postings and shares on other networks! We invite you to look around our blog to see all of the other new things that have been added...have fun browsing! =)

4. DeviantArt update

We are sure many of you noticed the tweets we made about having a deviantArt account and group. As a reminder, we are uploading our character designs on deviantArt for those who are fans of the dA store. All of the designs are available in prints on various medias (mugs, canvas, etc) and not to mention a Suteki Ji group that is going to hold contests and giveaways!

A Sub category:
A reminder that we are eager to do giveaways on various networks!
DeviantArt: For 50 members that our group gets we are going to do a random giveaway of 3 winners who are going to get dA points awarded to them
YouTube: For 50 subscriptions to our channel, we are going to do a USA giveaway to YouTube users and an international giveaway for 100 subscriptions
Facebook: We are going to do a local giveaway to all USA residents after we get 50 likes on our brand page and an international giveaway after 100 likes
Twitter: for the spirit of free goodies, we decided to add Twitter to our giveaway list. After getting 50 followers we are going to do a local giveaway for USA residents and an international giveaway for 100 followers

**We also do raffle drawings (random giveaways) and give away free goodies to all attendees for visiting us at events we host or participate in.
And with that giveaway announcement we are going to end this post!
Thank you for reading and don't forget to visit our Events page or to read the events post ~♥~

Website Updates & Changes

Hello Suteki Fans!!!

We are here to give you some updates that have been taking place on our website!
First off we wanted to let you know the new things that have been added to our website:

Events: We list all of the online & physical events that we attend or host. So visit this page to see what we have in store...

Contact Us: Now the contact us page has a link to a chat option as does a widget to on the left side of our blog here. We are available almost 24/7 for chat (unless we are attending an event or taking holidays off). The chat is through Gmail, so if you feel that the chat does not work for you, simply send us an email and we can send you a link confirming that we are available on other chat systems (deviantArt and others).

Products/Hangables: We have added multiple new collections to our Hangables designs so make sure to visit to view the new designs!

And second a new update has been added to the Customize page. We feel that this new update might appeal to our fans more than anything ~♥~
In detail the update is:
The page has been divided into custom size and custom design.

Custom Size: includes the custom chart that lets you pick any Suteki size Type that we offer (mini, hangable, plush, pillow, etc) and get the type in other sizes. So if you would like a mini (original size of 1.5") to be 6" than this chart shows the cost of the size upgrade. There is a special form that needs to be filled out in order to get a custom size, the form is called the Sutacular Form. Just follow the instruction on the form (with pop up bubbles of instructions) to get your own custom design.

Custom Design: this part is further divided into 2 sections as there are two forms that can be filled out depending on the design type you are picking. The Sutacular Form  is used ONLY for the Holidays, Personas, & Mascots Collection. If you are requesting/submitting a design for any of these three collections than this is the correct form to fill out. If you are submitting a design for any other collection than please use the Design Form. Both forms come with instructions (pop up bubbles with field instructions) and a follow up email is sent with further instructions to get your design going.

What does all this mean? To sum it up, this design submitting allows for fans to see a Suteki that they have in mind. If there is a certain holiday, object, food, or persona that you would love to see in Suteki form simply fill out the form and your request will be uploaded as soon as possible. You also get an option to have your name (and profile link if applicable) listed in the character's description once the character is uploaded and get's it's own bio on the brand website (Which coming soon).

With this, we are going to end this website update post.

Character Update: March

Hello dear readers and fans ♥

We have decided to switch our blog format. Instead of submitting posts every time we have a new design, we decided to save you the trouble of spams by creating a monthly post. A new blog post will be submitted at the end of every month with a summary of all the designs that have been posted. Other updates and announcements are going to be posted separately as they occur.

As such this is a character update post! =)
We are now going to introduce all of the characters (in the order they were added) for the month of March and for the last weeks of February as it is too late in the game to create a February post. ♥

1. Kalika Ji 

Kalika Ji is the first Suteki of the Inspirations Collection. A Suteki form of the Hindu goddess Kali, she comes with fully beaded decoration to give a full representation of the goddess in her Suteki form. 3 colors can be custom picked, for the moon, crown/helmet, and body.

2. Moosu Ji 

Moosu Ji is the first Suteki for the Animals Collection. Added as a request/inspiration that could have been used as a mascot instead for Mini Moose. And yes this is a moose in suteki form. ☺

3. YSS Ji 

YSS Ji is from the Mascots Collection and is a suteki form for YSS (You Sacred Self ). We created versions of YSS Ji and one of each version was donated to the WMM event held this March.

4. Lucky Ji 

Lucky Ji, the St. Patrick's Day suteki is part of the Holidays Collection. Get your cute green on with this lucky suteki! Colors of the shamrock are offered in various shades of green with the body color choice being any color and the center button and beads being offered in custom colors.

5. Pokaa Foo Ji 

Popularily known and used expression/saying/mood Pokaa Foo Ji of the Expressions Collection  is known as the poker face or "..." or the straight/blank face online. This suteki comes with his own little talk bubble with "..." inscribed on it.

6. Hoppu Ji 

Hoppu Ji is the Easter suteki for the Holidays Collection. Represented with a Suteki Ji dressed up (cos-playing) a Easter bunny with a carrot, this brings the Sutekorp Customization effort to a new level. Any Suteki Ji from any collection on our website can be customized to fit this Easter suteki. If you want a purple Smithu Ji wearing the Easter bunny outfit with an Easter egg in his hands - than consider it done!

7. Dulcu Ji 

Dulcu Ji is a candy  suteki for the Edibles Collection, one of the newer collections that was added this month. Dulcu is the Suteki way of saying "dulce" a Spanish word meaning candy. There are two other design pictures uploaded on our website so that you can see the various combination that can be created with custom colors (also included below). The candy wrapper, stripes, bow, button, and main suteki body are custom colors (so have fun making a combination that works).
Added as a secondary option for Easter, other actual Easter designs are going to be added next year.

This concludes our Suteki Ji character designs update  for the month of March 2013.

We invite you to visit our Suteki Jis on our website to view the actual product pictures from various angles. And as always thank you for reading and for visiting us! ♥

Saturday, February 16, 2013

First Update post!

Dear fans and viewers,

Some updates that we thought about sharing with you are:

We are now on Twitter!!!

Follow us on Twitter for simple product and shipping updates. Get to know when and which Suteki is being made and if it has been shipped or not. 

We are also now registered on Yelp, Inc as a local business!

Post and read any reviews written by customers. 

You can now subscribe to our monthly newsletter! Subscribe for free to get updates on new products, special offers available only to subscribers, and to summary of all new products and site updates. 

We are also doing a new design for our Sutekorp, Inc. website! 
And our newest design for a Suteki Ji is Sunny Ji! The felt version is being made and well be posted on our website when it is complete, as well as more minis. 

Thanks for reading ♥

Monday, February 11, 2013

Intro - Hypa Ji

The next Suteki Ji we are going to introduce is the Hypa Ji!

Ribbon and key chain/charm hanger included. Available in all colors!

Intro - Kisu Ji

Introducing the next Suteki Ji character: Kisu Ji!
A get two in one deal for the same price!

Kisu Ji comes with a smaller Mini sized Suteki Ji. Kisu Ji is available in any color of your choice with the Mini Suteki Ji available in: green, blue, red, orange, yellow, or brown.

Mini is not separable from Kisu Ji...

Don't forget to check out the other hangables and minis available. 

Intro - Mobu Ji

The next Suteki Ji available on our main Sutekorp, Inc. website is: Mobu Ji hangable!

Includes ribbon and key chain/charm hanger. You have the option of picking a phone and Suteki Ji of custom colors.

Don't forget to check out the other Suteki Jis on our product pages.